Copyright laws are a big deal, so please make sure you have the rights or permission to use the images that you send to us for reproduction. Photos or images that you send to us to be scanned will be well cared for while they are in our possession, but we cannot be held responsible for any damages that occur in transit. We will never reuse your image for any purpose without your consent. We may ask to use your image or testimonial in some of our promotions or advertising, but it’s no problem with us if you’d rather not. Please make sure that you have your own copy of the images that you upload to us. We will store the original image for some time in case you need a re-print, but we do clear old images off of the server from time to time.
fine print
CanvasHQ respects copyright law and has strict user terms of business. The files that you upload on our website must be yours and you must have the legal right to use them. We will not be responsible for any misuse of the copyright by you. Your files will be stored on our server for a period of time and then deleted from time to time unless you want them returned to you. We will not be responsible for any damage to the file while in storage or in transit. Before you upload a file, be sure you have a copy. We will not be responsible if you do not. We will not upload any file that we know is copyrighted, corrupt, that is in bad taste or obscene. You will set up an account with us using your email address and this will not be given to any other party. Any misuse of the site will result in your account being closed. No other use of the material within this web site or portion thereof is permitted without the express written consent of CanvasHQ.
Misuse of Content and Copyrighted Materials
Anytime we feel that content and Copyrights are being infringed on, we will cease work on the file.
Content and Liability Disclaimer
CanvasHQ uses reasonable efforts to include accurate, and current information on this site, however, CanvasHQ does not assume any liability for omissions and/or unintentional errors. We will update these terms on a regular basis. As a user of this site you agree not to upload any file that is corrupt, that may contain any viruses, worms, or any other item that could be destructive to our Web site. CanvasHQ MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. NEITHER CanvasHQ NOR ANY PARTY INVOLVED IN CREATING, PRODUCING, OR DELIVERING THIS SITE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF YOUR ACCESS, USE OR INABILITY OT USE THIS SITE OR ON ANY OTHER HYPERLINKED WEB SITE, OR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE CONTENT THEREOF.
CanvasHQ and the CanvasHQ logo are registered trademarks of CanvasHQ. Other product and service names may be trademarked of their respective companies. The absence of an identification of third party marks or the lack an attribution of ownership of such marks on this Web site should not be continued as any claim of rights by CanvasHQ.
Dispute Resolution
Any claims arising out of the use of the CanvasHQ Web site shall be resolved by arbitration in Fort Smith, Arkansas in accordance with the then current rules of the American Arbitration Association.
Consent to Monitoring
CanvasHQ is under no obligation to monitor the material residing on or transmitted to this server(s). CanvasHQ systems and applications with access control may be used ONLY by authorized users. Copyright © 2010 CanvasHQ. All rights reserved by “CanvasHQ”,the logo and it’s likeness are trademarks of CanvasHQ.