Did we mention free?
As you know, we have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee because we’re in the business of making you (our customer) happy, not just selling canvas prints. When we find something in your image that could be made better, we want to make it better. Below are examples of common touchups that we do for you for absolutely no charge.
On the other hand, if you want us to steer clear of making edits to your photo (no offense taken ?), just click on this toggle switch when you’re placing your order:

Our most common free image touchups:
Blemish Removal
Did someone wake up to discover a rogue pimple on picture day? Worry not; we’ve got you covered. What we don’t do (unless it’s requested) is remove permanent marks that you an individual, such as moles, scars, or birthmarks.
Teeth Whitening
Sometimes your pearly whites turn out less than pearly in your photos. Often times warm ambient lighting can cause your teeth to look a tad yellow even if they’re pristine clean. We can fix that…
People Removal
Darn those photo bombers! In our crowded world sometimes you can’t just wait around for all of those people in your shot to clear out. We’ve even worked on treasured wedding photos where the bride and groom didn’t even notice the extra image intruder. It’s not always possible to remove unwanted individuals, but when we can, we will.
Straighten Horizons
When you’re out enjoying nature and you happen upon that perfect scene that needs to be documented forever with a photo, it’s not always easy to get that horizon just spot-on at zero degrees. We’re happy to fix that. A minor caveat, straightening a picture involves losing a tiny bit of your image at the edges.
Trash Removal
We don’t live in a world that’s always as clean as Walt Disney World. Thankfully, we’re happy to remove unwanted trash that makes it into your pictures. Most commonly, we remove bird poop on iron fences, gum from sidewalks, and random trash on otherwise pretty beaches.
Image Noise Removal
Even the best cameras can add some image noise to your pictures, especially photos taken in dim or dark ambient lighting. Good news! We use the industry leading specialty software for image noise removal and reduction.
Skin Smoothing
Are your skin tones not appearing as evenly as you had hoped for? Sometimes improper lighting can cause unwanted shadows on faces. Our printers print at a very high resolution, so sometimes a little skin smoothing is warranted.
Glare Reduction
Is that perfect shot just beyond a window that’s adding a pesky reflection to your photo? Did the photographer accidentally become a part of the picture in a reflection on glass or a mirror? We can help with that, too.
Eye Whitening
Sometimes the whites of our eyes aren’t as white as we’d like. Sometimes it’s caused by overly warm ambient lighting or pesky shadows. We happy to add a little eye whitening to your photos in that situation.
Color / Tone Adjustment
We do this sparingly because we like to default to the original overall image tone/color/feel of the photo. But, when it’s obviously needed or you request the edits, we’re happy to tweak the overall color and tone of your picture.
Maybe it’s the OCD in our graphics people, but we think that most people want their images centered when there’s a clear center to the picture. When the subject(s) of your photo are obviously out of center, we’re here to help.
Artwork Reproduction
Many of our customers count on us to accurately reproduce artwork that they have created, be it paintings, sketches, or digital graphics. Well, to convert a physical piece of two-dimensional artwork into a canvas print takes a little finesse most time; fixing skewed pictures, color correction because of ambient lighting, lint and fuzz on the scanned item, cropping, etc.
We’re happy to be your partner in making sure your canvas artwork reproduction turns out swimmingly.
Name Your Challenge
Of course, we take special image touchup requests. And, we’re happy to try to help in any way we can as long as our graphics people think it can be accomplished within a reasonable amount of time. Go ahead, let us know your image touchup requests in your order notes.